Wednesday, July 23, 2014


What do bands and basketball have in common? Rigsketball.

credit: @tomfalconchamberlain

credit: @explodinggreen
This is an interesting little ditty that creates community amongst PDX bands in a way that is pretty truly innovative (yeah, pretty truly). And And And strapped a hoop on a hinge on the back of their van, to help pass time at shows, which has evolved into a full 32-team bracket, all of which are bands (mostly).

The PDX music scene is involved in this in various ways, and Vice even gave it a great little write up. Maybe this will turn into a music festival with set times based on how you place in the bracket, with the headliner being the band that wins the bracket... it'd certainly make it just a little bit more interesting than the ridiculous amount of interesting it already is. 
credit: @tyandre via walberg
Not only is it fun competition that gets pretty rough (definitely saw lots of blood and bruises), but it's a great way to actually get to know the groups in portland that are making waves, as some of the bigger named local bands partake in the bracket.

With recently getting picked up to partake side by side with PDX POP NOW, Rigsketball holds a promising future, and attendance is recommended.

Catch more info here:

There's a few more games and the Rigsketball show is on the 25th, with some seriously primo bands on the line up, in particular BearCubbin'. 

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